商業拍攝套餐/ Commercial Package
$3800/ 12 hours
OT: $300/ hour
可使用閃燈及200W LED燈 | Flash and 200W LEDs are included
可免費使用收費器材,器材如下 | extra equipment is provided free of charge, see below
BenQ 投影機 (4000高流明亮度) | BenQ projector (4000 Lumens)
閃燈投影配件 (12款形狀) | gobo attachment (12 shapes)
煙機連煙油 (250ml) | smoke machine + fluid (250ml)
電影車 + 21吋螢幕 | film cart + 21" monitor
Kupo 四向搖臂 Super Boom with stand