條款/ T&C

A) 一般守則

  1. 2020 studio為自助式影樓。如需安排場務、攝影助手或燈光助手,將收取額外費用

  2. 租場費不包括打燈服務、攝影師、攝影助手、攝影服務及電腦等

  3. 租場者須於拍攝日前支付100%租場費以確定預約。如取消租場,租場費將不獲發還

  4. 請保持影樓清潔並自行清理垃圾,否則收取$1500清潔費

  5. 離場前請收拾所有影樓物品並放回原處,否則收取$1500整理費

  6. 超時拍攝將有超時費用(每小時)。超時5分鐘即以超時1小時計算,結束時間以租場者離開影樓時間為準

  7. 租場者須自行判斷租場鐘數是否充足,2020 studio不能保證能即場加鐘。

  8. 如租場者及同行人士不當使用器材或影樓物品令其損毀,須照價賠償

  9. 如租場者及同行人士非以原預約之目的使用影樓,須支付額外費用。如租場者拒絕,2020 studio會即時禁止其使用影樓

  10. 如租場者有物品遺漏於影樓並經2020 studio員工確認拾獲,租場者必須於由租場日計起7天內前來認領。

  11. 2020 studio不會為租場者及同行人士的損傷或損失負上任何責任或賠償

  12. 影樓內嚴禁吸煙或生火及非法活動

  13. 如租場者及同行人士的相機與本影樓的引閃器不相容,2020 studio恕不負責

  14. 影樓設有閉路電視,錄影片段作用如下,
    - 檢查拍攝完成時間

    - 如影樓/客人有任何物件失竊或損毁,會作翻查之用

    - 錄影片段會於每月最後一日刪除並不會儲存任何副本

  15. 2020 studio 保留最後決策權

B) 改期及惡劣天氣安排

  1. 租場者總共只可改期一次

  2. 如租場時間前兩小時,天文台正懸掛八號或以上颱風或黑色暴雨訊號,租場者可以改期。如使用影樓時懸掛八號或以上颱風或黑色暴雨訊號,則會照常收取租場費。

  3. 如需改期,必須於租場日最少7天前提出改期申請,否則需要支付該次總租場費之30%金額為手續費。新拍攝日只可選原租場日起計30天內的日子(e.g. 原拍攝日為 7月8日,新拍攝日只可以選擇 7月9日-8月7日其中一天作為新拍攝日。)如選擇的新檔期已被租用,租場者只可選擇其他未被租用的檔期。如租場者未能決定新租場日,該次預約會視為已完成。

General Regulations

  1. ‬2020 studio works on a self check-in basis. If clients wish to have general/ photography/ lighting assistant(s) on set, relevant fees will be charged.

  2. Studio rental fee doesn't include services other than studio rental and equipment out of the list "Free equipment" on our website 

  3. Full payment has to be paid before the shooting date. No refund will be made for any cancellation of booking.

  4. Please remain the studio tidy and clean up the trash after the shoot‭, ‬otherwise an extra‭ $‬1500‭ ‬cleaning fee will be charged

  5. ‬Please put back all equipment‮ ‬after the shoot otherwise an extra‭ $‬1500‭ ‬cleaning fee will be charged

  6. Overtime fee (per hour) will be charged if the booking overruns. An overtime of 5 minutes will be calculated as an overtime of 1 hour, and the end time will be based on the time the clients leave the studio

  7. Clients need to ensure they book enough hours for the shoot. Booking extension is not guaranteed.

  8. If clients damage‮ ‬any equipment‭/ ‬things of the studio‭, ‬they will need to pay back accordingly

  9. If clients use the studio other than the booked usage, 2020 studio will charge accordingly right away. If clients refuse to pay extra charges, 2020 studio will evict the clients.

  10. If clients left anything at our studio and our staff found the lost item(s), the lost item(s) will only be kept for 7 days after the studio rental date.

  11. 2020 studio is not responsible for clients' loss of any kind

  12. Smoking/fire or/ and illegal activities are not allowed at the studio

  13. ‬2020‭ ‬studio is not responsible for the incompatibility between the trigger and camera

  14. 2020 studio is equipped with CCTV, purposes as follows,
    - to check the end time of the shoot

    - to check if there is anything missing/ damaged and who is responsible for that

    - recordings will be deleted on the last day of each month, no copies will be kept

  15. 2020‭ ‬studio‮ ‬reserves all rights for final explanation

  16. ‬In case of discrepancy between the English version and the Chinese version in respect of all or any part of the contents in‭ ‬here‭, ‬the Chinese‮ ‬version shall prevail‭.

Rescheduling and Bad Weather Policy

  1. ‬Clients can only reschedule once.

  2. When typhoon no. 8 or black rainstorm signal is hoisted 2 hours before the booking time, the booking can be rescheduled. If typhoon signal No.8 is hoisted or above Black Rainstorm Warning is issued during the booking, the studio rental fee will be charged as usual.

  3. Reschedule should be bought up at least 7 days before the original booking‭  ‬date‭, ‬otherwise‭, ‬2020‭ ‬studio will charge 30%‭ ‬of the booking fee as handling fee‭. The new booking date has to be within‭ ‬30‭ ‬days of the original booking date‭. (‬e.g‭. ‬If the original booking date is 8‭ ‬July‭, ‬the new booking date can only happen between‭ ‬9‭ ‬July‭- ‬7‭ ‬Aug‭) If the new desired booking date is already occupied‭, ‬clients can only book another available date. If clients cannot provide a new booking date, the booking will be treated as completed.